- Paul Campos' Weblog on ChooseAbility.org

Stuff for people with disabilities and other cool stuff too.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama's plan welfare? McCain, more of the same!

Here we go again! John McCain said yesterday that Barack Obama's tax dollars (government money) will be used to pay for people who don't work. "That's called welfare", he said. Well, what do you call cutting taxes for corporations who have been raking in billions of dollars in profits lately? It's called, "Corporate Welfare"!!! The people who need help the least get tax breaks and the ones who need it the most get screwed. I thought we were past the days when Republicans talk about their tax dollars going to people who collect money from entitlements. It wouldn't be that way if it weren't for the way entitlements are set up. That's why entitlement programs need to be reformed. I have some ideas on how to do this.

Stay tuned!