- Paul Campos' Weblog on ChooseAbility.org

Stuff for people with disabilities and other cool stuff too.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

The message to sick and hurting: tough
Yet another disgusting display by government officials trying to balance the budget on the backs of the neediest citizens. Once again, with all the government waste that exists, I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to find other ways to accomplish their goals. As I mentioned two days ago, Governor Pataki of New York tried to balance the budget by cutting home care hours from 24 hours to 4 per day in 1994. After protesting and pressuring the "lawmakers", suddenly they found funds somewhere else and were able to restore the Medicaid dollars set to be cut. Something should be done so that this kind of thing doesn't keep rearing its ugly head. Any suggestions? Send me an email. Contact your local congressmen.


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