- Paul Campos' Weblog on ChooseAbility.org

Stuff for people with disabilities and other cool stuff too.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

ctnow.com: EDITORIALS
Why is it whenever you hear about the scaling back, or cutting of programs that benefit people with disabilities, there always seems to be a Republican behind it. Ok, I'm sure Democrats have tried to scale back on a number of programs, but from the perspective of someone with a disability who has testified at the City Council to try and prevent proposed cuts in Medicaid, it's difficult to see it any other way. In 1994, New York's Gov. Pataki tried to cut Medicaid (Home Care) hours from 24 to just 4 hours per day. This would have been devastating as it would have caused many people to end up in nursing homes. Luckily, the disabled community protested loudly and vehemently enough to avoid what could have been a catastrophe.

The most difficult thing one has to swallow is when "scaling back" doesn't make sense in the long run. In this case, it would be wrong to cut "Birth to Three" because it not only saves the government money, but it does so because of its effectiveness. With all the government waste that exists, scaling back on a program that will "lead disabled children toward independence", and save money, is just bad government. Governor, if you can read my blog, just say "no" to scaling back.


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