- Paul Campos' Weblog on ChooseAbility.org

Stuff for people with disabilities and other cool stuff too.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Apple to Embed Assistive Technology Into New Versions of OS X

Every once in a while, a great story like this appears on the internet. I say great because whenever chooseability can highlight a technological advance that inproves the lives of people with disabilities- we love to bring it to you. The "Spoken Language Interface" Apple is featuring for blind OS X users is especially cool because it doesn't need to be downloaded from an outside source. This interface is directly built into the system. If you go to chooseability.org, you'll see stories like "Transforming Thoughts Into Deeds", and ".... Greater Access To Linux". The disabled community should be aware and excited about what is going on. The internet is becoming more accessible continually. Here, it's an interface for the blind, but there is good work being done all around that will help people with other types of disabilities. For example, you may be aware if you have read any of the comments made on the above chooseabilty stories, that I struggle with voice activation to this day. The stuff is out there. Finding the right one that's also affordable is another story. In fact, if any techies out there reading this blog know of anyone who can help me find a better way for me to type - so I can burn and not crawl at a snail's pace - it would be greatly appreciated. Actually, if you or anyone you know wants to contribute or help ChooseAbility.org (our main site) realize its potential in becoming extremely useful to many with disabilities, I'm all ears.

Apple to Embed Assistive Technology Into New Versions of OS X


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