- Paul Campos' Weblog on ChooseAbility.org

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Friday, September 19, 2003

As you know, I've been writing plenty about what the RIAA is up to. While I understand they're losing money, I, in no way, shape or form, feel any sympathy for them. First of all, I don't like their bullying tactics. Second, knowing the technology exists for downloading music and not doing anything about it, is nobody's fault but their own.

The article Martin blogged earlier today (below) shows the RIAA is finally starting to get it. I just don't understand why they would wait for a PR disaster.

To answer you, Martin, I do believe they're picking on the little people. They're picking on the very "music lovers" who have made all the record companies very rich. Universal finally has it right, though. Lower prices on CDs. Duh! I hope the others follow their lead.


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